I'm a Foodie, Wanderlust & Technology Geek. I write Software for the fun of it, from planet Earth. Music touches my Soul, I guess that explains a lot about what it means to me than a single word synonym ever does
Did I mention I'm a wannabe Airbender?
I'm a maker, I create Software by putting together BITs & PIXELs
I work on entire Stack often biased towards the Server side. I started out with C# & .NET framework, ventured into web world & caught up with front-end. I fancy the web these days due to the volatile nature of it that always keeps me in the learning. I like to explore new technologies & build things ranging from hobbies to projects. Simplicity is my facet, because if it's getting complicated then it's getting buggy
I hold a 10+ yrs of extensive experience in Software Development & wore many hats in the process. My career took root in 2011, the same year in which I graduated as a Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science. During this time, I've gained a wide-range of skills to deal with most situations & yield great results with ease