Guidelines to integrate RavenDB with ASP.NET MVC application

Create a new ASP.NET MVC project with the Authentication type set as Individual User Accounts

File -> New -> Project -> Web -> ASP.NET Web Application
Create New Project

Replace Entity Framework with RavenDB as storage provider using NuGet Package Manager

Uninstall-Package Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.EntityFramework
Uninstall-Package EntityFramework
Install-Package CreativeColon.Raven.Identity
Replace Entity Framework with RavenDB
Note: You might need to restart Visual Studio for Entity Framework to be completely removed.

Delete these files from the project as they're not required anymore

Remove Unwanted Files

Add these namespaces to the given files

Add Raven.Identity namespaces

Add Connection String for RavenDB and name it as RavenConnection to avoid any effort

<add name="RavenConnection" connectionString="Url=http://localhost:8080;Database=IdentityDB" />
Add required Connection String

Do this only if you've NOT named your Connection String as RavenConnection

<add name="MyNoSqlDB" connectionString="Url=http://localhost:8080;Database=IdentityDB" />

Open App_Start/Startup.Auth.cs and replace Line 1 with Line 2

1. app.CreatePerOwinContext(ApplicationDbContext.Create);
2. app.CreatePerOwinContext(() => { return ApplicationDbContext.Create("MyNoSqlDB"); });
Call Create Over-ride for other Connection String

For enabling Email Verification and Forgot Password functionalities

Add SMTP details in web.config file

    <smtp deliveryMethod="Network" from="SenderEmailAddress">
      <network host="SMTPHost" port="587" userName="Username" password="Password" enableSsl="true" />

Visit MVC Template with Raven Identity which has all the changes required for this integration